Sunday, January 26, 2020

Literature review on Leadership vision styles and change

Literature review on Leadership vision styles and change Introduction: The following review is divided into three sections and investigates Leadership and Management literature to provide an insight into:- Leadership and Vision. Leadership Styles. Leadership and Change. The literature has been researched from various sources explained in Table No 1 shown on the following page. SECTION 3.1 Leadership and Vision. Introduction, This section will show literature researched and reviewed to provide a discussion for:- Section 3.1.1. What is a Vision? Section 3.1.2. Why have a vision. Section 3.1.1. What is a Vision? Research has shown there considerable agreement that a vision is a projection of a future desired state. The dictionary states Vision is Unusual competence in discernment or perception; intelligent foresight. Levin {, 2000, Vision Revisited: Telling the story of the future.} suggests that when you provide a vision you show an idea of what you would like to see happen in the future and show the possibilities of what could be achieved. Its effects should be inspiring, bold, future orientated but believable and achievable. It should be derived from what people desire i.e. to fore fill their own personal goals or to aim for what they value it is their ideals, goals, interest and desires. Also by defining a vision you answer the question of the stakeholders Whats in it for me Levin (2000) {, 2000, Vision Revisited: Telling the story of the future.} also states that a vision lets heart feel what the head is told and should be able to show you where you are going. Lewis (1997) {, 1997, Building a Shared Vision. A leaders guide to aligning the organisation.} supports these views and that a vision is an expression of where an organisation wants to go and how it intends to get there. Kotter cited by Hope, J. Bunce, P. (2008) {, 2008, Beyond Budgeting: Change Management} argues that a vision should be inspirational and emotional rather than rational and that when developing it expect it to be messy, ambiguous and encounter setbacks. It should also be flexible enough to accommodate small initiatives and changes as it progresses. Lewis (1997) {, 1997, Building a Shared Vision. A leaders guide to aligning the organisation.} states that a vision should show the promised land and inspire and exit people when they come to work. A note from Levin (2000) {, 2000, Vision Revisited: Telling the story of the future.} that visions if not deployed or understood correctly can become confused with other organisation terminology such as mission statements and strategies. Collins Parros (1996) {, 1996, Building Your Companys Vision} suggest that a vision can be broken down into two major components 1. A core ideology which is the glue for holding the vision together. 2. An envisioned future. These are then broken down again into parts such as core values, core purpose they also suggest a vision should show the future for the next 10-30 years Section 3.1.2. Why have a vision? Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery held the view that the leader must know what he himself wants. He must see his objective clearly and then strive to attain it; he must let everyone know what he wants and what are the basic fundamentals of his policies and that Every single soldier must know, before he goes into battle, how the little battle he is to fight fits into the larger picture, and how the success of his fighting will influence the battle as a whole. The whole army then goes into battle knowing what is wanted and how it is to be achieved. (Information supplied from Lancaster University course work Inspiring and Enthusing Others ) Lewis (1997) {, 1997, Building a Shared Vision. A leaders guide to aligning the organisation.} states that having a shared vision promotes motivation, meaning a direction and that a vision is vital to any great organisation. Research also found that a vision could help jumpstart and mobilise people to start progressing towards it and that it possess a potency adding a sense of purpose Nanus cited in Levin (2000) {, 2000, Vision Revisited: Telling the story of the future.} Collins Porras (1996) {, 1996, Building Your Companys Vision} provides evidence that organisations that hold a strong vision out performed the stock market by a factor of 12. Evidence provided through surveys states that having a vision aides the organisation and those who use one to empower others are more likely to be successful at managing change. by Larwood et al (1995) {, 1995, STRUCTURE AND MEANING OF ORGANIZATIONAL VISION} A vision also has a positive impact on employees performance and attitudes Kirkpatrick and Locke. (1996) to such an extent that it positively affected organisational-level performance measured by growth in sales, profit, employment and net worth. Baum, et al (1998). cited by Levin (2000) {, 2000, Vision Revisited: Telling the story of the future.} Kotter (2007) {, 2007, Leading Change} Stated in his eight steps to transforming your business shown in the table No2 below that step No 3 developing a vision is a vital part that should be completed as part of any change process and that you need to take time to get the team to establish it. Kotter also advises that you should use a vision as a tool to give direction. He states it should show clear intent Kotter cited by Hope, J. Bunce, P. (2008) {, 2008, Beyond Budgeting: Change Management} and believes it helps peoples decision making and strategy development. Lewis (1997) {, 1997, Building a Shared Vision. A leaders guide to aligning the organisation.} prescribes following the six phase steps shown below where he uses the hard and soft sides of management to build and implement a shared Levin (2000) {, 2000, Vision Revisited: Telling the story of the future.} also suggests that a vision can be used as a teaching tool as it gives direction and shows long term plans as well as being able to influence attitudes and behaviours. One noticeable quote when planning your vision implementation is one stated by Collins Parros. (1996) {, 1996, Building Your Companys Vision} A vision is never completed and when you think you have achieved it you should you should re-plan and replace it with another one. This is also supported by Lewis (1997) {, 1997, Building a Shared Vision. A leaders guide to aligning the organisation.} who states that a vision should always be just beyond reach and therefore requires continuously refined The literature reviewed has provided strong evidence to why you should have a vision and communicate it. It is now the intention of the author to complete a review in the form of a questionnaire to see if his new department are aware of the organisation vision. Checked for References, Quotes, et al etc up to here Checked for References, Quotes, et al etc from here SECTION 3.2 Literature Review for Leadership Styles This section of the report researches the difference between a manager and a leader. The report then goes on to investigate the difference in transactional and transformational leadership styles. It does not consider democratic, autocratic, lassie faire or if you are an X or a Y on McGregors theory styles as the author believe through experience and past research understands that as a manager or leader you select the best style you can to suite the situation at hand. The author also notes that if you can master this ability you will naturally move up the LMX Member. Leadership scale as you will have mastered some emotional intelligence. This report supplies the foundation for understanding what style of manager / leaders are within the SMS dept. 3.2.1. Research regarding a manager or leader:- Zaleznik et al (1997) {, 1977, Managers and leaders: Are they different?} suggests that manager and leaders are different. That they are different type of people and have different personalities, suggesting that a manager: Maintain a balance of operations. Managers rationally select goals to pursue to achieve outputs. Is a problem solver. Select goals and allocate resource. Use their experiences to get what is required. Relate to people by the role they play and power they hold. Like to work with other and dislike working on their own. and that to be a manager it takes persistence, tough mindedness, hard work, intelligence, analytical ability, tolerance and good will. Kotter (2001) {, 2001, What Leaders Really Do} supports this and states that management is about coping with complexity and argues it brings order and consistency. Zaleznik et al (1997) {, 1977, Managers and leaders: Are they different?} suggests leaders:- Create new ways of completing task. Explore more. Need to use their inspirational skills to influence people. Have the capability to motivate people in different ways. Kotter (2001) {, 2001, What Leaders Really Do} suggests the same and quotes that leadership is about coping with change and aligning people with their goals and getting people to believe goals. Kotter (1990) {, 1990, A force for change: how leadership differs from management} in his article A Force for Change developed the following table to explain what he believed were the comparison of leadership and management. In short Kotter (2001) {, 2001, What Leaders Really Do} states that:- Management controls people by pushing them in the right direction. Leadership motivates them by satisfying basic human needs A view note from Zaleznik et al (1997) {, 1977, Managers and leaders: Are they different?} is that leaders are more prominent than managers in time of stress such as financial decline or wars as they are more entrepreneurial. Goleman, D. (2000) {, 2000, LEADERSHIP THAT GETS RESULTS} who also supports the view that leaders set strategy, motivate, create visions and build cultures. Also states that successful leaders have up to six styles shown in table No4 below and that they can use to complete their tasks and those leaders who perform best have mastered four of these styles namely: Authorities, Democratic, Affiliate, Coaching. Goleman, D. (2000) {, 2000, LEADERSHIP THAT GETS RESULTS} states that good leaders can match the appropriate style within seconds for the situation and circumstances to get the best from the follower. He also believed that by developing emotional intelligence you could learn to instinctively select the appropriate leadership style to gain the best from the situation. The author now intends to use a questionnaire for the team leaders in his new department to investigate to see which of the two styles they represent. From the results of the questionnaire the author should understand the team leaders manager or leader style so he can best us of it during a programme of change. 3.2.2. Transactional or Transformational Leaders:- To commence this section lets firstly look select a definition of leadership as written by Tannenbaurm, Weschief, Massarik, (1961) cited by Wofford Goodwin (1998) {, 1998, A field study of a cognitive approach to understanding transformational and transactional} Leadership is Interpersonal influence exercised in situations and directed, through the communication process, towards the attainment of a specific goal or goals then research what style of leadership could achieve this. We could look at research stating:- McGregors Theory X Theory Y. Blake and Motons country club, Team Leader, Impoverish, Authoritarian leadership styles. Autocratic, Democratic, Lassie Faire styles Facilitating, Coaching, Delegating, Directing styles. But literature produced by B. Bass has captured the authors interest by suggesting that the transformational leader has the most effective style of leadership. cited by Wofford Goodwin (1998) {, 1998, A field study of a cognitive approach to understanding transformational and transactional} B. Bass discusses the difference between a transactional and transformational leader Cited in Transactional revisited by Whittington (2009) {, 2009, Transactional Leadership Revisited: Self-Other Agreement and Its Consequences} stating that the transformational leader can become the most appropriate style of leaderships as this type of leader has the knowledge and emotional intelligence to adapt and react to the situation or circumstances. This view is supported by Graem Uhl-Bien (1995) {, 1995 Summer, Relationship-based approach to leadership: Development of leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership over 25 years: Applying a multi-level multi-domain perspective} who suggest that the transformational leader provides the most effective type of Leader-Member Exchange. Suggesting that if performed correctly this can become a very influential and productive way of managing the role and managing the follower. Bernard Bass (1990) {, 1990, FROM TRANSACTIONAL TO TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP LEARNING TO SHARE THE VISION} defined the benefits provided from the two types of leadership styles as:- Transformational Leader. Gets his followers to look beyond their own self interest for the good of the group. Pay close attention to individual followers not just the group. Provides vision. Gains respect and trust. Uplift morale of their followers. Suggest new ways of solving problems. Can instil pride and commitment into his employees Show more maturity and better results on the leader member exchange (LMX ) surveys. Transactional Leader. Satisfies the self interest of a follower. Provides promises of recognition. Uses pay increases as reward. Uses personal advancement as reward. Penalises employees for not doing well. Disciplines employees for not doing well. Monitors deviation from standards. Bass (1990) {, 1990, FROM TRANSACTIONAL TO TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP LEARNING TO SHARE THE VISION} also states that the transformational leaders can make massive differences to an organisation effecting its health, well-being and performance. Wofford Goodwin (1994) cited in by Whittington (2009) {, 2009, Transactional Leadership Revisited: Self-Other Agreement and Its Consequences} provide more benefits stating that there is a predictable result of behaviours and outcomes between leadership styles and that transformational leader have consistently shown the highest levels of good results. Graen and Uhl-Biens cited by Howell (1999) {, 1999, The ties that bind: The impact of Leader-Membership Exchange`, Transformational and Transactional Leadership`, and Distance on Predicting Followers Performance.} state that there is a higher positive leader-follower relationship and better performance from followers from the transformational leader. Mumford (2000) {, 2000, LEADERSHIP SKILLS: CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS} endorses these benefits and also adds that because of the present day climate industries need to be more flexible as transformational leader have better capabilities to aide the organisation in adapting quickly in environments of change. Literature continues and states that these two differing styles of leadership work differently and relate differently with their followers. Whittington (2009) {, 2009, Transactional Leadership Revisited: Self-Other Agreement and Its Consequences} states that transactional leaders need to have clear roles and responsibilities where transformational leader and followers dont. Whittington (2009) {, 2009, Transactional Leadership Revisited: Self-Other Agreement and Its Consequences} developed the understanding that there is a distance relationship between the success of the transactional or transformational leader. This research suggests that a transformational leader needs to be closer to his followers to influence them and get the best from their potential and that this is not required from the transactional leader. He states it is due to the transformational leader needing to develop a feeling of trust with the followers and interact more directly when he guides them. He suggests this leader needs this closeness to provide the environment for close personal communications when inspiring, empowering, stimulating and motivating his followers So if there are such benefits to the transformational style of management then we should look for them or look to develop them. Bruce J. Avalio et al (1999) {, 1999, Re-examining the components of transformational and transactional leadership using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire} state that the best questionnaire to use for this research is the Multifunctional Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). If it is found that we only have transactional leaders then we know from the research completed by Bass (1990) that through training these can be developed into transformational leaders. Avolio et al (1999) {, 1999, Re-examining the components of transformational and transactional leadership using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire} suggests this could actually be more beneficial as he recognised that it is an actual part of the evolution of the transformational leader to have gone through a transactional leader stage. Whittington (2009) {, 2009, Transactional Leadership Revisited: Self-Other Agreement and Its Consequences} supports this and argues that armed with the capabilities of both styles of leadership, the best leader is the one who can understand when to use the appropriate style to match the situation or circumstance. Checked for References, Quotes, et al etc to here Checked for References, Quotes, et al etc from here 3.2. 3. Leadership Model for change:- The final Section of the literature review is it to develop an understanding of a model for change. The author has not research tools used to implement change i.e. stakeholder analysis, Force Fields analysis, Readiness analysis and planning tools used to plan progress along a change implementation i.e. Master schedules, Project management tools etc. Although the author appreciates that these are part of the process and are used to aide change implementation. He has instead looked to define a model for change which he can use when venturing into and through any change programme he executes. This literature review found that there are a considerable number of models available to aid implement change. One of which is Kotter ( 2007) {, 2007, Leading Change} Eight Steps to Transform Your Organisation shown below. According to Kotter (2007) {, 2007, Leading Change if you fail to complete and plan these eight steps you will cause the change to fail. Steps:- Increase urgency Build the guiding team Get the vision right Communicate for buy-in Empowers action Create short-term wins Dont let up Make change stick He recommends keeping the steps simple and plan them before you execute them then you will have more chance of achieving your goal. Rosabeth Moss Kanter cited by Hope, J Bunce, P. in Beyond budgeting Change Management (2008) {, 2008, Beyond Budgeting: Change Management} however described a five step process:- Communicating a compelling vision. Building a coalition. Transferring ownership to a working team. Learning to preserve. Making everyone a hero. From Kotters studies he argues that change fails because people are inexperienced and do not appreciating the process of change. According to Kotter (2007) {, 2007, Leading Change} he has viewed many organisations who have failed at implementing change due to this even though they have been attempted under different named initiatives. This view is supported by Bernard Burnes (2003) {, 2003, Managing change and changing managers from ABC TO XYZ} who argues that we need to consider developing the people that execute the change as well as the steps of the change. This is also supported by Kanter who cited by Hope, J Bunce, P. in Beyond Budgeting: Change Management (2008) {, 2008, Beyond Budgeting: Change Management} suggests that people need to change their behaviours to allow a change to happen. Kotter (2007) {, 2007, Leading Change} emphasises that change goes through phases and should be seen as a long term challenge and not a short term fix. Kanter cited by Hope, J Bunce, P. in Beyond Budgeting: Change Management (2008) {, 2008, Beyond Budgeting: Change Management} states that change should not be regarded as bold strokes but long marches. Zhongjun et al (2004) {, Dec 2004, An innovation process model for identifying manufacturing paradigms.} suggests that by identifying and challenging paradigms is a way of modelling your change. He argues that you can use this similar to using Lean Manufacturing techniques to identify your changes. Lean Manufacturing techniques are again another way to model you changes. Another view of modelling the change process is by gaining an understanding of what people go through when they are involved in change. Here suggested by William Bridges cited by Hope, J Bunce, P. in Beyond budgeting Change Management (2008) {, 2008, Beyond Budgeting: Change Management} where he describe that people go through a three step process:- Ending When people let go of their old identity Neutral zone When old behaviours die out and people go dormant for a while. Beginning When people get a new out look and a new sense of purpose. Lewin cited by Bamford, D. Forrester, P. (2003) {, 2003, Managing planned and emergent change within an operations management environment.} suggests that people go through three stages of learning when within a change programme Freezing Clinging to what you know. Unfreezing Exploring ideas. Refreezing Identifying new skills and attitude with previously held ones. It is also noted that people go through other such effects when involved in change such as effects on their self esteem transitions of change, they resist change and they can become blockers or inhibit change which can to be used to model the change progress and progress. By completing this research the author has noted many different ways you can model change and different ways you can use these models to aide change. The author now intends to conduct a survey on the team leaders within the SMS dept to show how effective a model for change had been during a recent change programme in the dept. Checked for References, Quotes, et al etc to here

Saturday, January 18, 2020

College Life Unfolded

Many students who graduated in high school are so eager In entering the portals of college life. They think that college is more on good times, more on easy and free from stresses tasks and more. But college Is the exact opposite of what are mentioned. Instead of happy moments, college Is full of pressure and tormenting tasks because at this point In time, you are being equipped with the necessary competencies needed in the field of specialization you have chosen. College students have to mingle with great deal of stress.And, as a college student, this is what I am experiencing right now. After graduating in high school, I really had this Jolt of excitement in entering college. I had these great expectations that more enjoyable scenes will come into my way. I am excited to meet new people, as well as experience its new atmosphere. On my first week as a first year college student, I can say that It was not that difficult. My teachers are tackling the topics we discussed before In high school and I found It quite manageable.Then, as days go by, I realized that we are Just given time to prepare ourselves for more complex and difficult situations. Things are clear to me now, what I am experiencing right now is not the college I have pictured before. New people mean getting along with terror teachers. I came to the point where I really had to weigh things. It is really challenging to choose which among your priorities should be done first. I have to be careful in managing my schedule because a tiny error may destroy everything.It is really stressful to Imagine that everyday I have tons of paper works to do before going to sleep. Oftentimes, I forgot to eat my food when I got home because I have to flash all of my assignments. What adds to the stress Is that It seems Like one day Is not enough to flash all of these paper works. I was not able to sleep early, or If I do, I need to wake up in wee hours of morning to do the activities I was not able to do at night. Most of the times, college students' health were put at risk because of these.I also experienced this scenario where I was not able to attend our family gathering because I need to practice for our presentation. My parents get mad at me whenever I go to somewhere places even though I have no classes. I can't help doing household chores because I need to study for my report. It is really difficult to do your responsibilities at home and at school at the same time. Enjoying and bonding with friends, In college, Is Like walking on the road full of stones and gravels with thorns and thistles.I have a little time In enjoying different extracurricular actively. Though, the school has many actively for students, I still have difficulty in enjoying all of those because what's in my mind is the submission of activities because of the fear that if I do, I will get a failing grade. Most of the times, I feel like I am socially isolated because of my overlapping schedules. Being unable to et their e xpectations bugs me most of the time. As a college student, I often left with no time to myself because of school works.No time to fix yourself well because you are really pressured on accomplishing your tasks. College is not a place where we can do what we want to do easily. College life is not as easy as what we think. We have to warm ourselves up first so that we will not get flabbergasted when storms of school works arrive. Tertiary level is the most critical stage of learning. At this point, training is more intense and learning is more complex. You have to get along with what this stage has rendered because it will help o a lot in industry exposure.College has lots of benefits to give. It develops our confidence in facing different kinds of people. It also teaches us to be self-directed, to learn things by our own. It makes us more mature in facing the different obstacles in life. College has many rewards to give as long as you will not get burnt out on the events soon to arri ve on your way. It may be difficult but on the other side, it is worth our efforts. It is Just a matter of being patient enough. Also, always ask God to give you the strength and skills in accomplishing all of the tasks given to you.

Friday, January 10, 2020

New Ideas Into The Washington Center Issues Essay Samples Never Before Revealed

New Ideas Into The Washington Center Issues Essay Samples Never Before Revealed There is, in addition, the possible slippery slope to think about. Whether the undertaking is easy or difficult is a question that may be answered only when it's undertaken. Essentially, you're taking a position on an intricate issue. Even in the event that you recognize a method as a all-mighty and it's extremely over-spec to your requirements, you are unable to find the result you desire. The Debate Over the Washington Center Issues Essay Samples It doesn't need to be a complete paragraph, but you will need to at the very least introduce your ideas at the start of your essay and wrap up your conclusions at the conclusion of it. Next comes the all-important thesis statement that comprises a clear outlining of what facets of the author's argument you're going to be discussing. In essence you're interpreting the info. There's also some wonderful selection to the sentences. So that it's big enou gh for the GRE. After all, the GRE Issue isn't a test of knowledge as much since it is a test of how it is possible to use knowledge however confined to back your position. The perfect way to determine how to find a high Analytical Writing score is to have a look at a GRE essay sample, but doing so with no guidance can be overwhelming. More than 50 GRE Sample Essays is in our site. How to Get Started with the Washington Center Issues Essay Samples? PaperCoach will be able to help you with all your papers, so take a look at the moment! Essay outline template is a powerful means to perform the process better. You merely must be in a position to be comfortable with a couple examples, and be certain you can effectively relate them to your analysis. Transition from the last paragraph within this example (1 sentence). In order to spell out your stand, you can take advantage of examples and support your thought. Thus the value of learning by getting inspired can't be ignored. In t he beginning it'll be hard, but stick with it. Now you're really discussing planning. Get the Scoop on the Washington Center Issues Essay Samples Before You're Too Late On-line sources where students can come across great essays exist but it's vital to enquire about the trustworthiness of the sources first. The survey could have been 10 pages long, with 2 questions devoted to river sports. Practice brainstorming plenty of different essay prompts from the ETS website to get accustomed to coming up with examples that you may use to support your viewpoint. How to conclude a management essay isn't as difficult as starting. The Upside to the Washington Center Issues Essay Samples Other folks think that college students should base their selection of an area of study on the access to work in that area. All parents ought to be asked to volunteer time to their sons' and daughters' schools. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Values - 1650 Words

Values Paper â€Å"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.† Samuel Jackson The ethical dilemma that I would like to focus in on in my business is the ethical dilemma of spouses that are supervisors over there wives. This is a very serious dilemma and should be addressed in yours or my business atmosphere. This problem is unhealthy for a striving growing business and should not be tolerated by any means. From another perspective it may not look as an ethical dilemma, but working in the middle of this atmosphere you can clearly see the unethical practice of it. I will attempt to give you an inside view of the problems that are associated with spouses being supervisors over their†¦show more content†¦Of course, it made sense do so. Cheaper on gas, easier to work around schedules, allows her to be with your spouse and the pay is more. It produces a lot of turmoil among other employee’s; because of the fact they are married. It is possible that one of them could be moved to another shift, but, would that be fair seeing both of them possibl y did what it took to get where they are? This situation is a great value to them as a married couple they get to spend some time together on their breaks and lunch that they would not normally do if they worked different shifts or if they worked at different facilities. Being able to ride back and forth from work together is a great benefit; understand the price of fuel these days. The value to the other employee’s is if they have a problem with her husband maybe it could be another angle at speaking to him. Also, she as an employee and her husband as a supervisor could be an additional benefit; she knows what he expects because she is married to him and understands his requirement better than some of the other employees. The loss of morality in this situation is that core values can so easily be manipulated and distorted in situations concerning his wife. The employees have lost their sense of value, honesty, and confidentiality with their supervisor because of this relatio nship. The employees do not feel comfortable working around his wife or even speaking to her concerning any matter because of a lossShow MoreRelatedQuestions On Value Propositions Delivery Value Essay1743 Words   |  7 PagesDiscussion of how value propositions delivery value in different aspects Background and concept definition The term value proposition was first mentioned by Michael Lanning and Edward Michaels in a 1988 staff paper, they think value proposition has a function of delivering value in a business. A clear and simple statement of the benefit and price which firm can provide to its customer. 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Maciones (1997) defines it as the â€Å"beliefs, behavior and material objects that constitute a people’s way of life.† He also defined it as standards in a culture by which people make an assessment as to its desirability, goodness and beauty. Values may be helpful as Guidelines. Schaefer (2001) defines values a little more as â€Å"collective conceptions of what is considered good, desirable, and proper – or bad, undesirable, and improper – inRead MoreValue and Integrity1301 Words   |  6 Pagesor artistic values: incorruptibility; the quality or state of being complete or undivided. Although this is correct this isn’t exactly the complete meaning of this word. For every situation, every job, and every position this word â€Å"integrity† is defined differently. The position at which I am applying for is an Administrative Assistant, with this comes great responsibility, handling and having access to sensitive information any candidate must possess some level of morals and values. 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In contrast, things containing extrinsic value means the value of these things are depending on other things but not by itself. This is the basic difference between intrinsic value and extrinsic value. In addition, knowledge isRead MoreShared Values1926 Words   |  8 PagesBusiness Policy Assignment: †Å"Creating Shared Value† CITIBANK amp; HSBC 9/26/2013 D Siddhartha Reddy-014 PGDM-Finance Executive Summary How to reinvent capitalism and unleash a wave of innovation and growth by Michael Porter and Mark Kramer Shared Value is a new form of capitalism. The idea of shared value was initially explored by the authors in December 2006 HBR. Shared value is  not  social responsibility, philanthropy, or even sustainability, but a new way to achieve economic successRead MoreValues. Value Is Defined As Something That Has Moral Worth.1146 Words   |  5 PagesValues Value is defined as something that has moral worth. These values determine ones priorities and are fundamentally the things that one believes and stands for in life. Throughout my life, I have met people and experienced a plethora of situations that have shaped who I am today. I value many things in my life, however, it can be easily forgotten due to the privileges and securities of all the things I am blessed with. I place value on things that I believe benefit my life and the people around